CompanionLink Software

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Mobile productivity means being as productive on your device as you are in the office. To achieve this, business professionals need powerful apps to go with their devices.
DejaOffice combines the best of PC and mobile productivity techniques. DejaOffice is a business office suite for today's smartphones. We continue to build on this platform to provide an efficient work environment for people on the go.
DejaOffice is a partner to CompanionLink Software, a 25-year-old company dedicated to mobile synchronization. CompanionLink synchronizes mobile devices to CRM and contact management databases like Microsoft Outlook, Google, Lotus Notes, Salesforce CRM, Zoho CRM, Sage ACT!, Palm Desktop, GoldMine, Highrise, GroupWise, Infusionsoft, and Wise Agent.
Together, DejaOffice and CompanionLink deliver a complete PC-to-mobile productivity ecosystem that delivers office-like productivity to people using the latest mobile devices.